
Happy Birthday BSA!

Happy Birthday Boy Scouts of America! 113 years young and still going strong! Celebrate the adventure and continue the journey as Scouting launches its 113th year.Lone Boy Scout

It All Began In A Fog…

While walking the misty streets of London in 1909, American businessman William Boyce lost his way. A boy offered to guide him to his destination. Boyce wanted to pay him, but the boy explained that he was a Scout, and that Scouts do not accept money for doing good turns.

Eager to learn more, Mr. Boyce met with Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scout movement in Great Britain. Boyce knew that boys back home would like the idea, so he brought Scouting to the United States. Papers incorporating the Boy Scouts of America were signed on February 8, 1910 – the date celebrated as the official birthday of the BSA. #scouts #cubscouts